Don't Pay Your Debts


Don’t Pay Your Debts is a trivial workshop for serious people, a performance that penetrates, exposes, and ridicules the hyper-object of ECONOMY that rules our life, and threats our common future. Andreas Liebmann and Boaz Barkan continue their workshop-performance series, this time discovering the poetics of economy. 

A lively performance ‘seminar’ about economy and poetry by two bad-clowns dressed as robbers. They attempt to explain, exposes, and ridicules our notions of ECONOMY, debating and discussing its history, mechanisms and effects. WHO HAS DEBT HERE? DEBT IS LOVE! The bad-clowns want to talk about debt, economic theory, work ethics, wealth accumulation, and the constant threat of Crisis. The audience writes poems, confessions, and visions of the future, in notebooks that previous audiences have written in. Together creating an archive of our economic lives.


Don’t Pay Your Debts er en triviel workshop for seriøse mennesker, en forestilling, der trænger ind i, afslører og håner den hyperobjekt ØKONOMI, der styrer vores liv og truer vores fælles fremtid. Andreas Liebmann and Boaz Barkan fortsætter deres workshop-performance-serie, denne gang opdager de økonomiens poetik.

En livlig forestillings-‘seminar’ om økonomi og poesi af to dårlige klovne klædt som røvere. De forsøger at forklare, afsløre og latterliggøre vores forestillinger om ØKONOMI, idet de debatterer og diskuterer dens historie, mekanismer og virkninger. HVEM HAR GÆLD HER? GÆLD ER KÆRLIGHED! De dårlige klovne vil tale om gæld, økonomisk teori, arbejdsetik, formueakkumulation og den konstante trussel om Krise. Publikum skriver digte, bekendelser og visioner om fremtiden i notesbøger, som tidligere publikum har skrevet i. Sammen skaber de et arkiv over vores økonomiske liv.


Full video of first show at Toaster March, 2024